Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Generic Recursive Find Depth of Binary Tree in Java

binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children, which are referred to as the left child and the right child.

Depth of a binary tree is defined as the maximum length of all paths.

If a binary tree has only one node, its depth is 1. Following sample binary tree can be used as a test input.

There is a detailed and helpful description also at this link

package interviewquestions;

class Node<T>
   private T data;
   private Node<T> left;
   private Node<T> right;
   Node( T pData, Node<T> pLeft, Node<T> pRight )
     data = pData;
     left = pLeft;
     right = pRight;
   public void setLeftChild( Node<T> pLeft ) {  left = pLeft; }  
   public void setRightChild( Node<T> pRight ) { right = pRight; } 
   public Node<T> getLeftChild() { return left; }
   public Node<T> getRightChild() { return right; }  
   public T getData() { return data; }


class BinaryTree<T>
   Node<T> root;
   public BinaryTree(){  root = null; } 
   public void setRootNode( Node<T> pRoot ) {  root = pRoot; }
   public int depth() {
       return depth(root);

   private int depth(Node<T> pNode) {
     if (pNode == null)
         return 0;

     int left = depth(pNode.getLeftChild());
     int right = depth(pNode.getRightChild());
     int result = (left>right) ? (left+1) : (right+1);
     return result;

public class BinaryTreeOperations {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
    Node<Integer> node1 = new Node<Integer>( 1, null, null );
    Node<Integer> node2 = new Node<Integer>( 2, null, null );
    Node<Integer> node3 = new Node<Integer>( 3, null, null );
    Node<Integer> node4 = new Node<Integer>( 4, null, null );
    Node<Integer> node5 = new Node<Integer>( 5, null, null );
    Node<Integer> node6 = new Node<Integer>( 6, null, null );
    BinaryTree<Integer> binaryTree = new BinaryTree<Integer>();
    System.out.println("Depth of Binary Tree = "+binaryTree.depth()); 


Create a BinaryTreeOperations.java file in your workspace.

When the main method inside the BinaryTreeOperations class executed it is going to print :

Depth of Binary Tree = 3

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