Wednesday, August 13, 2014

boost::array of std::string items in Qt Creator

boost::array is a template class which enables it to be able to be declared for different type of items. There exists an array as a member inside boost:array template class declaration so boost:array also acts a C-array wrapper with fixed number of items inside it.

Following sample project created by qt creator and contains following files:
2- main.cpp file contains project configuration.

CONFIG += console

SOURCES += main.cpp

INCLUDEPATH += /home/tufan/boost_1_55_0

Boost header files and libraries are located under the directory : /home/tufan/boost_1_55_0

main.cpp file contains main method.

#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
    typedef boost::array<string,3> boostArray;
    boostArray stringArray;

    stringArray[0] = "FirstStringMember"; = "SecondStringMember"; = "ThirdStringMember";

    // some common container operations
    cout << "size:     " << stringArray.size() << endl;
    cout << "empty:    " << boolalpha << stringArray.empty() << endl;
    cout << "front:    " << stringArray.front() << endl;
    cout << "back:     " << stringArray.back() << endl;
    cout << "elements:    " << endl;

    for(boostArray::iterator iter(stringArray.begin()); iter != stringArray.end(); ++iter)
        cout << *iter << endl;

    return 0;
boost array contains 3 string items. Members of the array are initialized by using array subscript operator and at() function.

size:     3
empty:    false
front:    FirstStringMember
back:     ThirdStringMember

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

boost::array of Integers in Qt Creator

boost::array provides C-style array declaration and usage with constant number of items inside it. When only static-constant sized arrays are required, then boost::array comes with a better memory management solution than std::vector.

After including boost libraries into a Qt Creator C++ project, it becomes easy to use boost::array type of members in your programs.

boost/array.hpp file contains boost::array type.

As the boost::array documentation indicates boost::array is the STL compliant container wrapper for arrays of constant size.

Following sample project created by qt creator and contains following files:

2- main.cpp file contains project configuration.
CONFIG += console

SOURCES += main.cpp

INCLUDEPATH += /home/tufan/boost_1_55_0

I have installed the boost library to the directory         :  /home/tufan/boost_1_55_0
and boost/array.hpp file is located at                           :  /home/tufan/boost_1_55_0/boost/array.hpp

so qt creator does not complain about path related errors.

There is also another installed boost library which contains an older version of boost libraries  at directory : /usr/include/boost

In file I have stated that I will use the boost library from specific location and qt creator selected the library from : /home/tufan/boost_1_55_0

main.cpp file contains main method.

#include <boost/array.hpp>

using namespace std;

int main()
    typedef boost::array<int, 4> intArrayType;
    intArrayType myArray = {{1,2,3,4}};
    std::cout << "boost intArray content :" << "\n";
    for( intArrayType::const_iterator iterator = myArray.begin(),
         iteratorEnd = myArray.end();
         iterator != iteratorEnd; ++iterator )
        cout << *iterator << endl;

    return 0;
boost::array is initialized with 4 integer members in curly braces. I used an iterator to traverse the integer members of the boost::array.

When the project is executed the following terminal output is generated :

boost intArray content :

Friday, August 1, 2014

Build Boost 1.55.0 C++ Libraries on Ubuntu

  Boost libraries are used by C++ programmers to increase the productivity of software product development process. Instead of reinventing the wheel, by using Boost libraries initial-development time costs are decreased remarkably.
  Boost libraries include many benefits for C++ programmers, such as shared_ptr, arrays, serialization, I/O etc. , which most of the time causes troubles. So it becomes crucial to invest time to learn Boost libraries for a C++ programmer to use these benefits and advantages.
  Most Linux distributions come with pre-installed Boost libraries. However, they do not always contain the latest version of Boost libraries.
  In order to build and start using on Ubuntu OS following steps can be followed :

1- download file from

2- unzip your downloaded file

    $ unzip

3- get required dependencies which are going to help you during build process
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install build-essential g++ python-dev autotools-dev libicu-dev build-essential libbz2-dev

4- change your location into your unzipped boost_1_55_0 folder from terminal
    $ cd boost_1_55_0/

5- start bootstrapping

    $ ./ --prefix=/usr/local

6- start building boost libraries

    $ sudo ./b2

7- after waiting for a time-period all the Boost libraries are built successfully.

    "The Boost C++ Libraries were successfully built!"

8- now Boost header files and libraries are ready for being used in your C++ applications.