For recursive binary search implementation; search interval is updated depending on the midPoint value.
midPoint = lowerBound+(higherBound-lowerBound)/2
For the starting step; lowerBound is 0 and higherBound is the last array index.
Following sample project created by qt creator and contains following files:
2- main.cpp file contains project configuration.
TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += console CONFIG -= app_bundle CONFIG -= qt SOURCES += main.cppmain.cpp file contains main method and recursive binarySearch function implementations.
#include <stdio.h> int getIndexOfItemRecursively(int pSearchedItem, int* pArray, int mLowerBound, int mHigherBound) { if( mLowerBound > mHigherBound ) return -1; int midIndex = mLowerBound+(mHigherBound-mLowerBound)/2; if( pSearchedItem < pArray[midIndex] ) return getIndexOfItemRecursively(pSearchedItem, pArray, mLowerBound, midIndex-1); else if(pSearchedItem>pArray[midIndex]) return getIndexOfItemRecursively(pSearchedItem, pArray, midIndex+1, mHigherBound ); else return midIndex; } int findIndexOfItem( int pSearchedItem, int* pArray, int pTotalItemCount ) { return getIndexOfItemRecursively(pSearchedItem, pArray, 0, pTotalItemCount-1); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int mArray[] = {1, 2, 4, 12, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89, 90}; int mLengthOfArray = sizeof(mArray)/sizeof(int); printf("There are %d items in the array\n", mLengthOfArray); printf("Items :\n"); for(int i = 0; i<mLengthOfArray; i++) { if( i!=mLengthOfArray-1 ) printf("%d,", mArray[i]); else printf("%d\n", mArray[i]); } printf("Indexes :\n"); for(int i = 0; i<mLengthOfArray; i++) { if( i!=mLengthOfArray-1 ) printf("%d,", i); else printf("%d\n\n", i); } int mSearchItem = 12; int mIndex = findIndexOfItem( mSearchItem, mArray, mLengthOfArray ); if( mIndex!=-1 ) printf("Item %d is at index %d\n", mSearchItem, mIndex); else printf("Item %d not found in the array\n",mSearchItem); mSearchItem = 89; mIndex = findIndexOfItem( mSearchItem, mArray, mLengthOfArray ); if( mIndex!=-1 ) printf("Item %d is at index %d\n", mSearchItem, mIndex); else printf("Item %d not found in the array\n",mSearchItem); mSearchItem = 91; mIndex = findIndexOfItem( mSearchItem, mArray, mLengthOfArray ); if( mIndex!=-1 ) printf("Item %d is at index %d\n", mSearchItem, mIndex); else printf("Item %d not found in the array\n",mSearchItem); return 0; }We can analyze the steps for the first search item 12.
Search for 12
- Find midPoint. For this case midPoint is at index 5. If the searchItem (12) is less than the item at index midPoint (45) then update higherBound value with midpoint-1.
- Search in the new range with new higherBound value. higherBound is now midPoint-1. And lowerBound is 0.
New Sub Array Shrinks To 5 Items:
- Find midPoint. For this case midPoint is at index 2. If the searchItem is higher than the item at index midPoint then update lowerBound value with midpoint+1.
- Search in the new range with new lowerBound value. lowerBound is now midpoint+1 and higherBound does not change for this case.
New Sub Array Shrinks To 2 Items :
- Find midPoint. For this case midPoint is at index 3.
- SearchedItem is not less than the item at midPoint.
- SearchedItem is not higher than the item at midPoint.
- Then item is at midPoint. Return index of midPoint.
When you run the above recursive binary search sample following console output is generated :