Custom QDialog with a QGraphicsView helps to visualize QGraphicsItems that are included in a QGraphicsScene. By using addItem() function of QGraphicsScene, custom QGraphicsItems can be added to the QGraphicsScene instance. QGprahicsItem binary data such as x() and y() coordinates can be serialized to a QFile by using QDataStream.
Sample project started as a QT Gui Application and contains main.cpp, SceneToDataStream.h, SceneToDataStream.cpp, MyGraphicsItem.h and MyGraphicsItem.cpp files.
Project Directory Structure in Qt Creator IDE : is the project configuration file and contains:
QT += core gui TARGET = SceneToDataStream TEMPLATE = app SOURCES += main.cpp\ SceneToDataStream.cpp \ MyGraphicsItem.cpp HEADERS += SceneToDataStream.h \ MyGraphicsItem.h
main.cpp file contains the custom QDialog instance and shows it.
#include <QApplication> #include "SceneToDataStream.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); Dialog w;; return a.exec(); }
SceneToDataStream.h file is the extended QDialog class header file.
#ifndef SCENETODATASTREAM_H #define SCENETODATASTREAM_H #include <QDialog> class QGraphicsScene; class MyGraphicsItem; class QGraphicsView; class QVBoxLayout; class Dialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: Dialog(QWidget *parent = 0); ~Dialog(); public slots: void sl_saveSceneToFile(); private: QGraphicsScene* scene; MyGraphicsItem* item; QGraphicsView* view; QVBoxLayout* layout; QPushButton* btnSave; }; #endif // SCENETODATASTREAM_H
SceneToDataStream.cpp file contains implementation details for extended QDialog class.
#include "SceneToDataStream.h" #include "MyGraphicsItem.h" #include <QGraphicsScene> #include <QGraphicsView> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QPushButton> #include <QFile> #include <QList> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QDir> Dialog::Dialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { scene = new QGraphicsScene(this); item = new MyGraphicsItem(); item->setPos(34,35); scene->addItem(item); view = new QGraphicsView(scene,this); layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); layout->addWidget(view); btnSave = new QPushButton("Save Scene To File"); connect(btnSave, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sl_saveSceneToFile())); layout->addWidget(btnSave); setLayout(layout); resize(270,200); } Dialog::~Dialog() { delete btnSave; delete layout; delete item; delete scene; delete view; } void Dialog::sl_saveSceneToFile() { QString fileName = QDir::currentPath().append("/sceneData.txt"); QFile file(fileName); if (! { return; } QDataStream out(&file); QList<QGraphicsItem*> itemList = scene->items(); int itemListSize = itemList.size(); out << itemListSize; foreach( QGraphicsItem* item, itemList) { out << item->x(); out << item->y(); } QMessageBox::warning(this,"Success","Saved Scene Data to File"); close(); }
sl_saveSceneToFile() slot of Dialog class is connected to QPushButton clicked signal and serializes number of all the items on the scene with item x() and y() coordinates respectively.
MyGraphicsItem is a derived custom QGraphicsItem class that implements boundingRect() and paint() functions of the parent. MyGraphicsItem is a rectangular derived QGraphicsItem and added to the QGraphicsScene.
MyGraphicsItem.h file contains custom QGraphicsItem class declaration.
#ifndef MYGRAPHICSITEM_H #define MYGRAPHICSITEM_H #include <QGraphicsItem> class MyGraphicsItem : public QGraphicsItem { public: MyGraphicsItem(QGraphicsItem *parent = 0, QGraphicsScene *scene = 0); ~MyGraphicsItem(); protected: QRectF boundingRect() const; void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget); }; #endif // MYGRAPHICSITEM_H
MyGraphicsItem.cpp file contains implementation details for custom QGraphicsItem class.
#include "MyGraphicsItem.h" #include <QPainter> MyGraphicsItem::MyGraphicsItem(QGraphicsItem* parent, QGraphicsScene* scene) : QGraphicsItem(parent,scene) { } MyGraphicsItem::~MyGraphicsItem(){} QRectF MyGraphicsItem::boundingRect() const { qreal penWidth = 1; return QRectF(-10 - penWidth / 2, -10 - penWidth / 2, 20 + penWidth, 20 + penWidth); } void MyGraphicsItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { Q_UNUSED(widget) Q_UNUSED(option) QPen pen; pen.setWidthF(2); pen.setStyle(Qt::DashLine); painter->setPen(pen); painter->setBrush(QBrush(QColor(50,120,80))); painter->drawRoundedRect(boundingRect(), 25, 25, Qt::RelativeSize); }
sceneData.txt is the produced file that contains serialized binary data.