Thursday, July 28, 2011

Redirect QTest Output To Log File

QtTest classes are created by subclassing QObject class and adding private slots into derived QObject class. Every private slot is treated as a testfunction and executed by QTest::qExec() function.
Sample project started as a QT Console Application and contains main.cpp, TestString.h and TestString.cpp files.
Project Directory Structure in Qt Creator IDE : is the project configuration file and contains:
QT       += testlib core
TARGET = LogQTestOutputToFile
SOURCES += main.cpp \
HEADERS  += TestString.h

QT += testlib

line which is used to include testlib dependencies into project.

TestString.h file contains private slots which are aimed to test mainly toUpper() behavior of String class.

#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <QString>
#include <QObject>

class TestString: public QObject
private slots:
    void initTestCase();
    void toUpper();
    void cleanupTestCase();

initTestCase() and cleanupTestCase() private slots are executed by the testing framework and used to initialize and release resources; respectively.

TestString.cpp file contains implementation details for the private slots declared in TestString.h file.
#include "TestString.h"

void TestString::initTestCase()
    qDebug("called before everything else, initialize your resources");

void TestString::toUpper()
    QString str = "Hello";
    QCOMPARE(str.toUpper(), QString("HELLO"));

void TestString::cleanupTestCase()
    qDebug("called after toUpper(), release allocated resources here");

Because this a QT Console Application, main.cpp file contains only main() function which calls QTest::qExec(&testString, testCmd) function to execute testfunctions in the specified test object.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QDir>
#include "TestString.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication a(argc, argv);
    QStringList testCmd;
    QDir qtestLogDir;
    testCmd<<" "<<"-o"<<"UnitTest_Results/QTestString_log.txt";
    TestString testString;
    QTest::qExec(&testString, testCmd);
    return a.exec();

When you run the application, test execution output is displayed at QT Creator Application Output Window. In order to redirect testfunction output to specified log file; output directory and log file name information are passed as argument to QTest::qExec(&testString, testCmd) function.

testCmd<<" "<<"-o"<<"UnitTest_Results/QTestString_log.txt";

command line argument redirects output to UnitTest_Results/QTestString_log.txt file.

QTestString_log.txt file can be found under LogQTestOutputToFile/UnitTest_Results folder.

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